Edmond Moukala,Chief of Africa Unit at the World Heritage Centre,UNESCO Short Bio‐Sinologist of Congolese nationality,graduated respectively from the Beijing Language and Cultural University and the Nanjing Hehai University as a Civil Engineering,and Specialist on Conservation of Cultural Heritage,Edmond Moukala lived and worked for 16 years in Asia.Mr.Moukala is specialized in heritage preservation issues,sustainable tourism,capacity development of local people,and the dialogue of civilizations.
Mr Moukala’s experience trace back from 1994(20 years with the UN Systems),covering a range of fields that covers all UNESCO Cultural Conventions for living heritage,world heritage and cultural diversities.In 1998,as Head of the Culture Unit at the UNESCO Beijing Office(1998–2004),he effectively led the pioneering work for the preservation of cultural heritage sites in China,Mongolia and DPR Korea,along the Silk Road.
From 2004 to 2011,he was assigned the responsibility to manage activities related to“the Slave Route”in Africa,Caribbean and the USA.His work consisted of creating an inventory and preserving sites and places of memory related to this historical tragedy.This work was essential
in enhancing the public understanding of the historical importance of world heritage sites in Africa related to this tragedy,the challenges faced in their preservation efforts,and the opportunity it generates for the development of socio‐conomics of the continent.
Mr Moukala is presently based at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.He is the Chief of Unit at the World Heritage Convention at UNESCO.He oversees World Heritage related matters in the whole of sub‐Saharan Africa.His contributions have helped African state parities in improving the state of conservation of their properties through regular training and capacity building in the areas of heritage impact assessment and risk preparedness.He has enhanced the local community’s commitments in the safeguarding of heritage,including living heritage.
Mr Moukala is undertaking PhD research studies at the Beijing Language and Cultural University(BLCU)on the subject language revitalization and socio‐economic development.He is also actively engaged in research studies on Africa and its potential for development,in particular on the comparative study of the Chinese economic development case and its added value to Africa’s development.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a great pleasure to be here in Beijing for this important gathering the Belt and Road Forum for Language Resources.I would like to thank the Beijing Language and Cultural University and the Government of the People’s Republic of China for this excellent initiative.
Last May 2017,President Xi Jinping made an outstanding inspiring speech that set the vision for One Road One Belt.A vision that take roots from the long history civilizations born out of the Silk Road.A vision of peace,mutual understanding,dialogue,development and well-being for all.
He said:
The One Road One Belt injects new positive energy,hope and stability.A gift from China that can only be embrace in challenging time such as this.
It is a vision that respond to the pressing cries in world in face of the multiple challenges we face in this planet.Be it the increasing poverty and great divide between the rich and the poor,the mushrooming hotpots on civil unrest and terrorism,the increasing deficit on world peace,good governance,climate change etc…
Ladies and gentlemen,It was in late 80’s that UNESCO launched the UN Silk Road project.The project recalled the fact that human beings have always moved from place to place and traded with their neighbors,exchanging goods,skills and ideas.Throughout history,Africa,Europe and Asia have criss-crossed with communication routes and paths of trade,which gradually linked up to form what are known today as the Silk Roads;routes across both land and sea,along which silk and many other goods were exchanged between people from across the world.Maritime routes were an important part of this network,linking East and West by sea,and were used for the trade of spices in particular,thus becoming known as the Spice Routes.
These vast networks carried more than just merchandise and precious commodities however:the constant movement and mixing of populations also brought about the transmission of knowledge,ideas,cultures and beliefs through the precious vehicle of language,which had a profound impact on the world history and civilizations.Travelers along the Silk Roads were attracted not only by trade but also by the intellectual and cultural exchange vehicle through language that was taking place in cities along the Silk Roads,many of which developed into hubs of multilingualism,culture and learning.Science,arts and literature,as well as crafts and technologies were thus shared and disseminated into societies along the lengths of these routes,and in this way,languages,religions and cultures developed and influenced each other.
The Silk Road has left us a legacy of:
·和平合作-Peace and cooperation
·开放包容-Openness and inclusiveness
·互学共鉴-Mutual learning
·互利共赢-Mutual benefit
Throughout this history,thousands of languages have been spoken and shared along the lengths of the Silk Roads,both land and maritime.These languages have been one of the major means of transmission of knowledge,beliefs,traditions and customs between peoples alongside the historic Silk Road and into societies and communities far beyond.However,despite their historic vibrancy,not all of these languages have survived until today:some continue to be spoken whilst others are endangered or have become extinct.Those that are endangered or extinct have been recorded on the UNESCO list of World languages in Danger.
President Xi invites us:
We all know that all languages are linked through their origins and borrowing,but each is a unique source of meaning for understanding,writing and expressing reality.
Mother languages are special in providing the material with which the world is first voiced,the lens through which it is first understood.The One Road One Belt is a moment to recognize their importance,promote and to mobilize for multilingualism and linguistic diversity.
Professor Li Yuming said:
The One Road One Belt is a world united opportunity to recognize their importance and to mobilise for multilingualism and linguistic diversity.
Mother languages,along with linguistic diversity,matter for the identity of individuals along these roots.As sources of creativity and vehicles for cultural expression,they are also important for the health of societies.Not least,languages are factors for development and growth.We know how important education in the mother language is for learning outcomes.Mother language instruction is a powerful way to fight discrimination and reach out to marginalised populations.As wellsprings of knowledge,languages are also starting points for greater sustainability in development,for managing more harmoniously our relationship with the environment and change.
Multilingualism opens fabulous opportunities for the dialogue that is necessary to understanding and cooperation.Mother languages live harmoniously with the acquisition of other languages.A plural linguistic space allows the wealth of diversity to put in common.It accelerates the exchange of knowledge and experience.
Building on the mother language,the learning of multiple languages must be a pillar of 21st century education.
At the same time,we can do more to support the balanced development of translation,as a channel to open to all the great diversity of knowledge and experience throughout the world.
The topics of today covers within the One Road One Belt,the preservation and development of language resources,language intelligence and future society and language connectivity in building,the concerns the use of information and communication technologies for safeguarding and promoting languages and linguistic diversity.
Languages provide the software for information and communication technologies.These technologies are also a new frontier for promoting linguistic diversity.UNESCO is committed to promoting multilingualism.
Innovative technologies provide new ways also to follow,examine and learn languages.The success of the online edition of UNESCO’s Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger shows the power of the Internet to track the state of languages and multilingualism,and to raise awareness with a global audience.
Information and communication technologies can be especially useful in promoting mother languages.We must harness the power of progress to protect diverse visions of the world and to promote all sources of knowledge and forms of expression.These are the threads that weave the tapestry of humanity’s story.The innovation,flexibility and social interaction that lie at the heart of new information and communication technologies can support these goals.On the common ground of One Road One Belt,let us pledge to work together in this direction.
Languages,with their complex implications for identity,communication,social integration,education and development,are of strategic importance for people and the planet.
There is growing awareness that languages play a vital role in development,in ensuring cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue,but also in attaining quality education for all and strengthening cooperation,in building inclusive knowledge societies and preserving cultural heritage,and in mobilizing political will for applying the benefits of science and technology to sustainable development.
Languages provide the software for information and communication technologies.They are a new frontier for promoting linguistic diversity.
The Belt and Road space is exceptional vehicle that highlight the power of languages and multilingualism in fostering mutual understanding and development.
The new world citizenship generated by One Road One Belt schemes could be especially useful in promoting mother languages.We must harness the power of progress to promote multilingualism and all sources of knowledge and forms of expression.These are the threads that weave the tapestry of humanity’s story.The innovation,flexibility and social interaction that lie at the heart of these interactions can support these goals of One Road One Belt vision.
It is thus urgent to take action to encourage broad and international commitment to promoting multilingualism and linguistic diversity,including the safeguarding of endangered languages.
As language issues are central to all fields in UNESCO’s mandate,the Organization promotes an interdisciplinary approach to multilingualism and linguistic diversity involving all programme sectors:education,culture,science,communication and information and social and human sciences.
To conclude with prof Li Yu Min words: