中文 | English

中文 | English

Project Planing for 2019

Language Resources Bank

  • Language resources development for resource base preservation and social education
  • Construction of language resources for resource depth retention and language reproduction
  • Construction of Language Resources for "Language Pass" and "Information Pass"
  • Construction of language resources for domain knowledge preservation and development
  • Research on the state of the world's language resources
  • World Language Policy Research
  • Research on Language Resource Application and Evaluation
  • Linguistic support research

Intelligent Language Services

  • Intelligent Acquisition, Processing and Display of Language Resources
  • Language Resource Intelligent Application Technology

Language and Culture Museum

  • Language Online Learning Platform
  • Language resource crowdsourcing
  • Media Communication Platform
  • Sinology Research Platform

Special projects

  • Beijing Winter Olympics Language Intelligence Service
  • Language Resource Intelligent Application Technology
  • Capital International Exchange Language Environment Quality Improvement Project
  • Language Resources and Intelligent Talent Cultivation
Initial Project Planning

Language Resources

  • Research on the Theory of Multilingual Language Based on Language Resources
  • Standard for the Collection and Processing of Multilingual Language Resources for Language Information Processing
  • Standard for Collection and Convergence of Multilingual Language Resources for Language Resource Protection
  • Chinese Text Semantic and Fact Content Knowledge Base
  • General multilingual clock control dictionary
  • Multi-domain multilingual dictionary
  • Multilingual concept alignment Corpus
  • Central Asia Russian-Mongolian Language Library
  • South Asia Southeast Asian Language Library
  • Chinese Language Library
  • Overseas Chinese Language Library
  • Chinese Interlanguage Multimodal Corpus
  • Second language development Corpus
  • "Belt and Road" Language and National Information Base
  • Research on the Theory of Multilingual Language Based on Language Resources
  • The Belt and Road Language Pool

Language and Culture

  • Global Language and Culture Museum Alliance
  • World Union of Text Practitioners
  • International Sinology Research Platform
  • Chinese Excellent Cultural Translation Platform
  • Chinese classic works spread to the outside world

Intelligent Language Services

  • Resource scarcity language machine translation and dialogue systems for specific areas
  • Research and Application of Semantic Analysis of Sentences
  • Global Chinese Smart Education Platform
  • Language services for the Winter Olympics