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Sun Hongkai, Huang Xing-Methodological Research on Language Identification Theory and Language Statistics
November 14, 2019

This project will translate, interpret and evaluate the language identification theory in the book ofLanguages of the World. Besides, referring to the ontology structure of Chinese and world languages as well as social and humane data, the project measures the micro structural similarity (mainly lexical similarity) that affects the intelligibility between languages, and evaluates the correlation and weight of social language variables that affect the identity between languages, so as to improve and innovate the language identification theory already existing in Chinese linguistics. In the meantime, the project is expected to construct and promote the language identification and identity discourse system which is compatible with Chinese and international characteristics. A proper name database will be developed that contains the original names of the world’s languages, ethnic groups, geological and administrative divisions and their recommended Chinese translations. As the world’s basic proper name database made in China for the first time, it will become the auxiliary industry standard. The features of this project are: 1. It has the largest data, and is the only database in China that takes world languages as the research object; 2. The project’s language resource data are derived primarily from two of the world’s most authoritative institutions for language resources development, namely SIL International and the Max Planck Institute. Therefore, the language resources are authoritative; 3. The project studies the relationship between and classification of Chinese and world languages by the method of phylogenetic clustering analysis, which has never been done before in China.