On December 11th, 2017, ACLR invited Prof. Nasun Urtufrom Inner Mongolia University to deliver an academic lecture on Three Elements of Language Resource and their Relations—Taking Mongolian as an Example to teachers and students in BLCU.

From the perspectives of understanding of language resources, three elements of language resources and construction of Mongolian language resources, Prof. Nasun Urtuargued that language resource is very important national resource, which includes language data, language knowledge and language technology. With the example of the construction of Mongolian language resources, he showed the relationship, contents and basic structures of data resources, knowledge resources and technology resources, and listed the difficulties and challenges in building the platform for Mongolian language resources. Prof. Nasun Urtunoted that language knowledge plays a significant role in the construction of language resources. At present, the existing description methods of language research are limited, and the two-dimensional description of language rules is not enough to explain the complex relations between languagesat different levels orthe connection ofits ambiguity and semantic association. In addition, a language and its internal rules cannot be accurately described only by collecting language date via computers. Therefore, language data, language knowledge and language technology, which form a complementary and interactive cyclical system, are all necessary for language description and resource construction.