In order to help international students and foreign nationals in China get timely information about COVID-19 epidemic and reduce communication barrier, the Language Service Team for the fight against the epidemic, under the guidance and support of the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission, has developed “A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions”, “A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Entry Tips”, “A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Diagnosis” and “A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Protection Measures” in multiple languages. These languages include Aalbanian, Amharic, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Burmese, Byelorussian, Cambodian, Catalan, Czech, English, Finnish, Filipino, French, German, Greek, Hausa, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kazak, Korean, Lao, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swahili, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Vietnamese and so on.
We hope that people in the world unite to win the ultimate victory against the epidemic soon!
Daily Precautions in 41 languages are available below.
(Languages are in alphabetic order.)
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Masat paraprake ditore gjatë epidemise së COVID-19——Versioni Shqip
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Aalbanian version
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በኮሮና ቫይረስ ወረርሽኝ ወቅት የሚደረጉ ቅድመ ጥንቃቄዎች
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Amharic version
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“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Arabic version
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Yeni koronavirus epidemiyası ərzində gündəlik diqqət etməli olduğunuz məqamlar——Azərbaycan dili versiyası
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Azerbaijani version
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Ежедневни изисквания при епидемия от коронавирус——българска версия
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Bulgarian version
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COVID-19 ကပ်ရောဂါကာလအတွင်း နေ့စဉ်သတိပြုရမည့်အချက်များ——မြန်မာဘာသာစကား
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Burmese version
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Штодзённыя меры засцярогі падчас эпідэміі новай каранавіруснай інфекцыі——Беларускамоўная версія
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Byelorussian version
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“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Cambodian version
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Precaucions diàries necessàries durant l'epidèmia del nou coronavirus——Versió en català
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Catalan version
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Každodenní preventivní opatření po dobu trvání epidemie——Znění v češtině
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Czech version
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“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions”English version
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Päivittäiset varotoimenpiteet COVID-19-puhkeamisen aikana——Suomenkielinen versio
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Finnish version
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Mga pang-araw-araw na pag-iingat habang may COVID19 outbreak——Filipino Version
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Filipino version
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Précautions à prendre pendant la période de l'épidémie de Covid-19——Version française
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” French version
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Tägliche Vorsichtsmaßnahmen während der Coronavirus-Epidemie——Deutsch
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” German version
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Καθημερινές προφυλάξεις κατά τη διάρκεια της επιδημίας του COVID-19——Ελληνική έκδοση
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Greek version
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Matakan kariya a kowace rana dangane da barkewar annobar cutar numfashi ta COVID-19——Na harshen Hausa
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Hausa version
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कोविड -19 के प्रकोप के दौरान दैनिक सावधानियां——हिंदी संस्करण
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions”Hindi version
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Napi óvintézkedések a COVID-19 kitörése következtében——Magyar változat
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Hungarian version
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Hal yang harus diperhatikan sehari-hari selama Wabah Virus Corona(COVID-19)——Versi Bahasa Indonesia
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Indonesian version
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Precauzioni quotidiane nel periodo della diffusione dell’epidemia causata dal coronavirus——Frasi in italiano
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Italian version
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“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Japanese version
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Короновирусқа байланысты эпидемия кезіндегі күнделікті сақтық шаралары——Қазақ тіліндегі басылым
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Kazak version
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“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Korean version
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Жаңы типтеги коронавирус жайылып жаткан учурларда күндөлүк сактык чаралары—Кыргызча Басылышы
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Kyrgyz version
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“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Lao version
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Langkah berjaga-jaga harian semasa wabak Novel Coronavirus.——versi Bahasa Malaysia
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Malay version
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Шинэ короновируст халдварын үед өдөр тутамдаа анхаарах зүйлс——Монгол хэлний хэвлэл
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Mongolian version
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“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Persian version
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Precauções a tomar diariamente durante o período do COVID-19——Versão portuguesa
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Portuguese version
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Precauții zilnice în timpul epidemiei de COVID-19——Versiunea în română
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Romanian version
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Повседневные меры предосторожности в период эпидемии, вызванной короновирусом——Издание на русском языке
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Russian version
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Svakodnevne mere predostrožnosti u slučaju izbijanja Kovida-19——Verzija na srpskom
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Serbian version
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Precauciones diarias durante la epidemia del nuevo coronavirus——Versión en español
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Spanish version
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Tahadhari za Maisha ya Kila Siku Wakati wa Mlipuko wa Ugonjwa wa Virusi vya Korona——Toleo la Kiswahili
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Swahili version
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“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Thai version
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Koronavirüs salgını sürecinde gündelik yaşamda dikkat edilecek hususlar——Türkçe Versiyonu
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Turkish version
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کرونا وائرس کی وبا کے دورانیے میں روزمرہ کے اہم معاملات کے نکات۔ اردو زبان میں ترجمہ
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Urdu version
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Повсякденні запобіжні заходи в період епідемії Нової коронавірусної пневмонії——Видання українською мовою
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Ukrainian version
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Koronavirus keltirib chiqargan kasallikning tarqalishi paytida kundalik ehtiyot choralari——O‘zbek tili nashri
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Uzbek version
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Những điều cần lưu ý thường ngày trong thời gian có dịch COVID - 19——Bản Tiếng Việt
“A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages—Daily Precautions” Vietnamese version
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Background Introduction
At present, while the COVID-19 epidemic in China is under control, that in foreign countries is getting worse. Under the guidance and support of the Ministry of Education and the State Language Commission, ACLR, which forms the Language Service Team for the fight against the epidemic, has emergently developed “A Guide to the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 Epidemic in Foreign Languages”, providing language services for international students and foreign nationals in China with COVID-19 epidemic prevention, control and diagnosis information.The Guide selected 75 commonly-used sentences related to protective measures, diagnosis, and entry tips, from official documents ̶ Plan for Prevention and Control of the COVID-19, Plan for Diagnosis and Treatment of the COVID-19, and Guidance for Public Prevention on the COVID-19, released by the National Health Commission. The Guide has been translated into multiple languages including Aalbanian, Amharic, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Burmese, Byelorussian, Cambodian, Catalan, Czech, English, Finnish, Filipino, French, German, Greek, Hausa, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kazak, Korean, Kyrgyz, Lao, Malay, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swahili, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Vietnamese and so on. Multilingual micro videos, electronic cards and online enquiry systems have been made based on the Guide. Parts of them have been released through the WeChat official account of ACLR in succession since 2nd March. They will also be released through channels such as social platforms, websites, television, broadcasts, and press.
The contents of the Guide can be flexibly combined for different needs. Apart from for international students and foreign nationals, they can be used by medical institutions, educational institutions, airports, ports, airlines, foreign affairs agencies, customs, and community management offices.
We will continue to enrich the contents of the Guide and translate it into more languages. In this way, we contribute our efforts to prevent and control the epidemic at home and share China’s experience in fighting against the epidemic.