On May 19, 2019, the 16thWorld Cultural Festival of BLCU wasgrandlyopened. The general public and BLCU’s students from more than 100 countries and regions participated in the cultural festival. World cultures collided and exchanged in the "Mini United Nations" while audiences of countries shared the beauty of civilization at BLCU.

ACLR displayed world language and cultural resources collected for the “Global Language and Culture Online Museum” Project at the cultural festival. Itofficially initiated the activity SPEAK FOR YOUR MOTHER LANGUAGE! to find mother language speakers of all countries and nations of the world both online and offline.

Responding to the call of the times, ACLR set up the Projectof Global Language and Culture Online Museum. It pools together the language and culture resources of all countries and nations of the world in an effort to promote the exchanges of languages and cultures, the online education and the scientific research. The Project has collected language and culture resources of 80 countries, including Belt and Road countries. In the next stage, ACLR will strive to accumulate major languages and cultures of countries and regions around the world, trying to build a fully inclusive Global Language and Culture Online Museum, where distinctive languages and cultures of countriesare displayed to the world. The online Museum is aimedto become a platform for global language and culture lovers to communicate with each other.