On September 20, 2019, Prof. Tao Hongyin from Dept. of Asian Languages and Cultures, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) wass appointed as the Honorary Researcher of ACLR. Prof. Yang Erhong, Executive Deputy Director of ACLR issued the letter of appointment to Prof. Tao Hongyin, hoping that Prof. Tao’s academic attainments and scientific research influence in both China and abroad could enhance the cooperation between ACLR and universities and research institutesat home and abroad.

After the appointment ceremony, Prof. Tao presented anacademic reporton“The Expression of Emotional Attitude in Interpersonal Interaction and How It Inspires the Teaching and Testing of Chinese as a Second Language” in BLCU. This is the 28th lecture of ACLR’s Language Resources Lecture Seriesand over 80 researchers and students participated.

Personal Profile of Prof. Tao Hongyin
Prof. Tao Hongyin, from the Dept. of Asian Languages and Cultures at UCLA, is the Director of Chinese Department and of the Graduate Affairs. He is the Executive Editor of the international book series Studies in Chinese Language and Discourseas well as the Editor of more than 20 Chinese and foreign journals. Prof. Taois now served as the part-time Professorat English Department of National Taiwan Normal University. He once taught at National University of Singapore (NUS), Cornell University (CU), etc., and was the President of The Chinese Language Teachers Association, Inc. (CLTA). Prof. Tao currently studies in Chinese discourse grammar, corpus linguistics, interactive linguistics, English linguistics, applied linguistics, and Chinese teaching, etc., and has published over 120 academic works in Chinese and international journals.