From September 21st to 24th, 2019, Prof. Li Yuming, Director of ACLR led a delegation topay a visit to Kyrgyzstan. During the visit, Director Li Yumingand his entourage visited Kyrgyz National University, the Confucius Institute of Kyrgyz National University, Donggan Studies and Sinology Research Center at National Academy of Sciences and other universities and research institutions. They helda discussion on issues such as the language resources construction, language policy and planning, international Chinese language education, scientific exchange, personnel training, international cooperation and exchanges, and the status quo and development of Donggan language.

During his visit to Kyrgyz National University, Director Li Yuming and his delegation were cordially received by Sadykov Kanat, the President of Kyrgyz National University. President Sadykov Kanat hoped to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with BLCU in terms of language and culture, student cultivation, international academic exchange, and the construction of Confucius Institute. Prof. Li Yuming expressed the same aspirations in the fields of language teaching and education, language policy and planning, language resources protection as well as language intelligence research and development.

During the visit, Director Li Yuming delivereda speech on the 70 Years Development of Chinese Language Life at the invitation of Prof. An Deyuan, the Chinese Dean of the Confucius Institute. Prof. Li Yuming expounded on the changes in Chinese language life during the past 70 years from the perspectives of the emergence of “Bilinguals”, the convergence of language media, the widespread of Mandarin, and the continuous development of language. In addition, he summarized three development stages of Chinese language planning and the historical background and development goals of each stage, and introduced the concept of civic language ability and national language ability as well as their relationships.

Director Li Yuming and his colleagues also carriedout exchanges on Donggan language concerning its inheritance and development with An Husai,President of Donggan Association of Kazakhstan, and researchers from Donggan Studies and Sinology Research Center at National Academy of Sciences.